I’m excited to announce my short story, TLoGH (title and blurb reveal soon), will be included in the Autumn Nights: Nine Stories to Nibble at Your Nape charity anthology. With nine spooky tales guaranteed to put you in the Halloween spirit, this collection supports The Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization that focuses on suicide prevention within the LGBTQ community.

Even more exciting is that I’m writing with authors I know, each of us offering feedback and working together to create something special. I’m proud to be included and hope we can deliver an amazing book for young and old readers alike!
The best part is that we’re helping a great organization doing amazing work!
I’ll have more details to share the closer we get to the holiday, including titles, synopses, where to purchase your copy to support the charity, as well as any promotional materials. Until then, check out the Autumn Nights Series page for additional information.
Happy Reading and Writing!